Mustad Rigs

Mustad Rigs
Utilising proven designs, uncompromising quality, and an array of Mustad's proven hook technologies, Mustad rigs have you covered.

Each rig is developed with the right sized hooks and line to provide consistency and confidence, whatever your quarry.
  1. Mustad's UltraPoint® Circle Flasher rig is extremely versatile and will catch just about any fish species, while being particularly effective for Snapper. Featuring a flasher to help entice the bite, the Circle Flasher rig can catch fish without bait, but works even better with a little natural bait. The circle hook with a tight line is self setting and most often hooks the lip or corner of the mouth.

    Starting at $9.99

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  2. Mustad's Big Red Snapper rig is a tandem hook rig designed to hold big baits neatly and firmly when fishing for Snapper and other large fish. Ideal for straylining, this rig features two opposed hooks that provide great hookup power. The hooks are also are snelled on a trace a set distance apart, to make rigging large strip baits easy.

    3 rigs per refill

    Starting at $24.99

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  3. Catching live bait is easy using Mustad's 3 hook Sabiki rig. Add bait or just jig them through bait schools, it won't take long and you will have enough bait to keep you fishing throughout the day.

    2 rigs per refill

    Starting at $9.99

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